Saturday, February 14, 2009

At 2months and 10days - isnt this new world great ?

Last week, Chloe had to have her immunization shots (tiem chung). She was brave, only cry for 10 seconds, then smile with mum, dad and the doctor. After couple of hours her body starts fighting against those ugly and weakened virus. A fever up to 38.5 degree at some point, however it was only last for few hours. She is back to normal after a day, start smiling again :) . Another immunization shots due in the next 2 months. For now, let's enjoy!   

Chloe is now 56.5cm tall, 4.72 kg and her head circumference is 38cm. She is growing above the average stats around 8-10%, which is really good. We are both very happy with what we are doing right now. 

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